Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prayer for Our President: Barrack Obama

The presidency of the United States and that of any progressive and developed nation is overwhelmingly challenging. It comes with detail job descriptions, high level scrutiny, media frenzy and sleepless nights. After 226 days in office and faced with critical decision making on issues such as, the Stimulus Package, Guantanamo Bay Prisoners, War in Iraq, Healthcare Reform, Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the supreme Court and other social, economic and political issues, it seems like it has taken many years away from the young, handsome, and energetic man that stood before us few months ago and promised a change we can believe in and a dream we all look forward to. Please continue to pray for our beloved President Barrack Obama that God continues to give him the strength and courage he needs to lead us, no matter what our political views are.
Alpha Tongor Correspondence

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